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PAMS 2017
19th Pacific Asian Marginal Seas Meeting,
Jeju, KOREA, 11-13 April 2017
Total 9 sessions are available to register.
S01: Internal waves dynamics at near-inertial, tidal, and higher frequencies in Asian waters: from remote sensing, in-situ monitoring to numerical modelling
S02: Western North Pacific Circulation Variability and Interaction with PAMS
S03: Dynamical Processes in the Straits of PAMS
S04: Coastal circulation and ecosystem in a view of physics and bio-geochemical cycling
S05: Sustaining multi-parameter Ocean Observations to Understand Climate Change and Ocean Processes
S06: Observations and Modeling of Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions in the PAMS: from Short-term to Climate
S07: Data assimilation, Ocean Prediction, Intrinsic Predictability, and Regional Ocean Reanalysis
S08: Multiple Remote Sensing Observations for Physical-Biogeochemical Property Changes in Pacific Asian Marginal Seas
S09: General Topics

Abstract Submission

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