PAMS 2017
19th Pacific Asian Marginal Seas Meeting,
Jeju, KOREA, 11-13 April 2017
1. Payment for registration fee
The conference venue can host a maximum of 200 participants. To plan our events more efficiently, the Organizing committee strongly encourages early registration.
Unlike traditional way (free of charge for registration) of PAMS meeting, LOC decided to get registration fee for all participants in order to provide most meals to participants during workshop period since available restaurants are very limited near the KAL hotel. The registration fee will cover admission to all oral and poster session, coffee breaks, several meals, and printing material.
- Registration Start : 15 January, 2017
- Registration Extended Deadline : 20 February, 2017
* Includes all social events
* Cancellation police: Registration can be cancelled until 20 February 2017. An admiration fee of 20% will be deduced from the amount paid. No refunds could be made after 20 February 2017.
2. On-line Registration
- Regular type
- Student
- Accompanying person
When you finish the payment process, the certificate mail will be sent to you from PAYPAL.
* If you have a problem with registration process, Please let me know as soon as possible.
*PayPal 등록 과정에서 오류가 발생하면 아래의 메일로 문의 부탁드립니다.
2-2. 계좌이체 안내
- 계좌번호 : 079-01-436041 (농협, 예금주 : 한국해양학회)
* 입금 시 주의사항 : 반드시 입금자의 이름을 다음과 같이 표기하여 주십시오.
(예시 : PAMS홍길동)
3. Registration
For attendees who want on-site registration.
