PAMS 2017
19th Pacific Asian Marginal Seas Meeting,
Jeju, KOREA, 11-13 April 2017


Oral sessions
Duration of oral presentation is basically 15 minutes, including questions. Please refer to the detailed program for the time slot allocated to your oral presentation.
Please upload and check your presentation file (PowerPoint or PDF) in advance at the registration desk
If your oral presentation is scheduled between 9:00am and 12:15pm, you need to bring your file(s) to the registration desk on the previous day (in USB memory). We hope you understand that the LOC will be too busy to handle your file especially in the early morning.
We prepare two similar Windows PCs (OS: Windows 7 Professional). One of them will receive your file(s) at the registration desk. The other one will be dedicated for screen projection.
The installed software may be MS PowerPoint 2010 and Acrobat Reader DC. It means acceptable format ppt, pptx, and pdf only. Please make sure your presentation file follows any one of the three.
The Macintosh and Linux users are especially encouraged to test your file at Windows environment before the departure.
For smooth progress of the meeting, we do not want to switch this official PC and your private one back and forth during the oral sessions. Please copy and test your file at the official PC as soon as you arrive.
Posters sessions
Poster size must be equal to or smaller than the board size of 110cm in height and 80cm in width. Poster will be presented during the whole meeting period (will not be replaced daily). Please attach poster as early as possible before the first poster session and stick to the end of the meeting.
The materials to display your posters will be provided on site.
The poster numbers will be displayed at the top of the poster board.

Schedule of the oral presentation.pdf